Resources for Parents
Parent Service Organization
Email [email protected] for more information.

School's Grieviance Policy
Should a parent or scholar have a grievance concerning a particular class or the administration of the school, that grievance should be resolved using the following chain of command.
1. Schedule a meeting with the teacher via email. Issues that arise in a particular classroom should always be addressed to the teacher first since the teacher always has more direct knowledge of the scholar than anyone else. Issues that arise in a particular classroom should be addressed to the teacher of that classroom, as they have a more direct knowledge of the scholar and/or situation. Parents/guardians should schedule a meeting with the teacher by sending an email directly to the teacher. Except in emergency circumstances or situations involving imminent danger, parents/guardians shall not confront a teacher about an issue with scholars present, including his or her own. If the teacher and parent agree that it is in the best interest of the scholar to have a discussion in the presence of the scholar, they may do so. Teachers have 48 business hours to respond.
2. Contact the administrator in that grade if the grievance cannot be resolved with the teacher.
3. Contact the Headmaster after steps one and two have first been attempted and the matter requires further attention.
4. Contact the Board of Trustees’ Parent Liaison after steps one, two and three have been attempted and the grievance is still unresolved. The parent liaison for TCS’ board of trustees can be reached at [email protected]
The Parent Liaison is Mr. Tim Qualls and you can also email him directly at [email protected]