Dismissal Procedures
  1. Students who commit any of the zero tolerance offenses will be dismissed to their home zoned school. Please see the link below for the all-inclusive list. These are just examples: Arson, possession of firearms, battery, drug use, aggrevated battery, battery or aggrevated battery towards a teacher or another school personnel. Also included in the zero-tolerance policy is vandalism, theft, violence against oneself, violence against another scholar, teacher, administrator, parent or volunteer.


  2. Students who have 10 or more unexcused absences (including the tally of 5 tardies equal 1 unexcused absence) will be required to sign an attendance contract. If broken or refused to sign, they will be dismissed to their home zoned school.


  3. Students who receive more than 10 infractions within 30 days will be required to sign a behavior contract. Contracts will be tailored to a student’s behavior. If the Behavior Contract is violated by another infraction, then they will be dismissed to their home zoned school. 4. If a scholar receives 8 suspensions without 1, 2, and 3 occurring, the administration will conduct a Dismissal Meeting if they are General Education or a Manifestation Meeting if they are ESE.

    Zero Tolerance | APD – Agency for Persons with Disabilities – State of Florida (myflorida.com) 

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