The Barney Charter School Initiative (BCSI) is a project of Hillsdale College devoted to the education of young Americans. Through this initiative, the College supports the launch of K-12 charter schools. These schools will train the minds and improve the hearts of young people through a content-rich classical education in the liberal arts and sciences, with instruction in the principles of moral character and civic virtue.
Reform of American public education, to be successful and good, must be built on a foundation of classical liberal arts learning-the kind of learning best suited to a free society and most needed for it preservation. BCSI is an important step in that direction.
To advance the founding of classical charter schools, Hillsdale College works with select school-founding groups of local citizens who care deeply about education, who plan to apply for a charter, and who prove themselves capable of starting and governing a school. When a founding group’s interests and abilities are a good match, BCSI will assist in creating and implementing the schools’s academic program, providing the curriculum design and teacher training. This support, along with guidance on the shaping of a vibrant and ennobling school culture, will provide the foundation for these new schools to promote a liberal and civic education in America’s public schools.
This initiative is made possible by a major grant from the Barney Family Foundation and gifts from other friends of Hillsdale College.
For more information, you can reach their website here.
Tallahassee Classical School is apart of the Leon County School system and has been given a grade C for the school.
No person shall, on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, disability, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any education program or activity, or in any employment conditions or practices conducted by this School, except as provided by law.
Louis Jean-Baptiste, Board Parent Liaison Phone Number: 850-296-1970
Equity Coordinator April Finney [email protected]